„Technology, Mind, and Behavior (TMB) is an open access, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by the American Psychological Association. TMB publishes original work in the area of human–technology interaction with a focus on human behavior at the individual or group level. Committed to open science and transparency, Technology, Mind, and Behavior is part of APA Open: a new, interactive open access platform. Authors are empowered to dynamically present their research findings to immerse readers in ways going beyond standard PDF experiences. For more information, including how to submit your manuscript to the journal, visit the Journal Information section of the website.“
„La revista Terapia Psicológica fue fundada por la Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica, en 1981. Se aceptan trabajos de carácter teórico y empírico dentro del área de la psicología clínica. La revista está orientada a fomentar el intercambio de conocimientos que aporte al progreso de la psicología científica, y es por esto que se estimulará la crítica dentro de la disciplina, de acuerdo a la discusión de datos, metodología, planteamientos teóricos e integración multidisciplinaria.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Ausgabe 2007, 25 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; Beiträge in spanischer, Abstracts auch in englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed (anonym); Hrsg.: Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica.
„The American Journal of Psychology (AJP) […] explores the science of the mind and behavior, publishing reports of original research in experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and in-depth reviews of significant books.“ Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar von 1887, 1 (1) bis 1922, 33 (4); „founded by G. Stanley Hall and […] edited in ist early years by Titchener, Boring, and Dallenbach“; Inhaltsverzeichnisse und Abstracts kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 1923, 34 (1); erschien vierteljährlich; Hrsg.: Robert W. Proctor, Purdue University, Indiana (USA)
„The American Psychoanalyst (TAP) […] has a dual mandate. TAP reports on news of the organization, events, meetings, reports from committees, elections, announcements and appointments. […] The second mandate of TAP is coverage of issues concerning American psychoanalysis as a practice and technique. Societal and government issues that concern psychoanalysis are featured as well as reports from developments in international psychoanalysis.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2003, 37 (2); erscheint vierteljährlich; Hrsg. American Psychoanalytic Association
„The Analysis of Verbal Behavior […] is primarily for the original publication of experimental or theoretical papers relevant to a behavioral analysis of verbal behavior.“ Einige Beiträge kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 1982, 1 („Hybrid. Open Access options available“); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)
„The Assessment Handbook is one of the official publications of the Psychometrics and Educational Statistics Division of the Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association. The journal publishes special articles that are themed in assessment, evaluation, measurement, psychometrics, psychological testing, and statistics.“. Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2009, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (blind); Hrsg.: Phillipine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association (PEMEA) – Psychometrics and Educational Statistics Division.
„The Australian Community Psychologist publishes work that is of relevance to community psychologists and others interested in the field. (…) The Australian Community Psychologist [formerly Network] is the College’s [APS College of Community Psychologists] refereed journal.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2006, 18 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Australian Psychology Society (APS)
„The Behavior Analyst contains general interest articles on theoretical, experimental, and applied topics in behavior analysis. Articles on the past, present, and future of behavior analysis, as well as its relation to other fields, are particularly appropriate for the journal. The Behavior Analyst also publishes literature reviews, discussions of previously published work, reinterpretations of published data, and articles on behaviorism as a philosophy.“ Seit 2018 erscheint die Zeitschrift unter dem Namen „Perspectives on Behavior Science“; kostenfreie Volltexte ab Ausgabe 1978, 1 (1), mit Ausnahme der Hefte der letzten zwölf Monate) (Stand: 04/2024); Zeitschrift erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor 2017: 1.357, 2018: 2.463, 2019: 3.250; Hrsg.: Association for Behavior Analysis International
„The Behavior Therapist has stimulated readers for over 30 years with its high-quality, thought-provoking articles on cognitive and behavioral practice, theory, and research, including humor, reviews, training program overviews, clinical dialogues, and news of the field.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2002, 25 (4); erscheint achtmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
„Published monthly by The Royal College of Psychiatrists, this is one of the world’s leading psychiatric journals. It covers all branches of the subject, with particular emphasis on the clinical aspects of each topic“; Inhaltsverzeichnisse ab Ausgabe 1965, 111 (478) online verfügbar; Abstracts ab 1975, 126 (3); Volltexte ab Ausgabe 2000, 176 (1); aktuelle Ausgabe frei zugänglich ein Jahr nach Publikation; erscheint monatlich; peer-reviewed; Impact Factor 2009: 5.077, 2010: 5.947, 2011: 6.619, 2012: 6.606, 2013: 7.343, 2014: 7.991, 2015: 7.06, 2016: 6.347, 2017: 5.867, 2018: 7.233, 2019: 7.85; Akzeptanzrate: 25 %; Zeitraum von Einreichung bis Veröffentlichung: etwa ein Jahr; für Autoren besteht die Möglichkeit der sofortigen freien Online-Verfügbarkeit: Open Access Charge $4500; Herausgeber: The Royal College of Psychiatrists.
„The Caribbean Journal of Psychology provides a forum for academic discussion of psychological issues related to Caribbean people and addresses topics of interest in the Caribbean region.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2010, 3 (1); erscheint ab 2011 halbjährlich; peer-reviewed (blind); Hrsg.: Psychology Unit, Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work, University of the West Indies, Kingston (Jamaica)
„The Clinical Psychologist communicates timely and thought-provoking information in the broad domain of clinical psychology to members of the Division [12 of American Psychological Association].“ Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar von 1998, 51 (2) bis 2024, 77 (1) (Stand: 04/2024); erscheint vierteljährlich; Hrsg.: Division 12, American Psychological Association
„The EJCoP is a free peer-reviewed open-access journal. It publishes articles at the intersection of European and counselling psychology issues that substantially advances the understanding of professional issues, the training of counselling psychologists and the application and practice of counselling psychology across Europe.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2013 3 (1-2); erscheint einmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Pavlo Kanellakis, European Association of Counselling Psychology (EACP); ISSN: 2195-7614
„The European Journal of Humour Research (EJHR) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal with an international multidisciplinary editorial board. Although geographically-oriented towards the ‚old continent‘, the European perspective aims at an international readership and contributors. EJHR covers the full range of work being done on all aspects of humour phenomenon. EJHR is designed to respond to the important changes that have affected the study of humour but particular predominance is given to the past events and current developments in Europe.“ Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2013, 1 (1); erscheint vierteljährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Hrsg.: Dunarea de Jos University of Galati Romania
„The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, the official journal of the [Spanish Society of Forensic Psychology] and the [Latin-American Association of Therapeutic Jurisprudence]. It publishes unpublished empirical articles and meta-analytic reviews of topics dealing with psychology and law (e.g., legal decision making, eyewitness). Papers addressing both the inquisitorial and the adversarial legal systems will be welcome as well as papers based on concrete laws of a European or Latin-American country.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2009, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Impact-Faktor 2017: 3.524, 2018: 3.682, 2019: 4.905; Herausgeber: Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spanien.
„Welcome to The Harvard Brain, the student-run journal of the undergraduate Harvard Society for Mind, Brain, and Behavior. We aim to bring a wider understanding of human behavior and mental life to the Harvard community and beyond. As such, The Harvard Brain showcases original student writing on a wide range of MBB-related topics, from computer science to economics, human evolutionary biology to psychology. Additionally, the magazine publishes articles written by esteemed professors such as Steven Pinker and Peter Singer and interviews icons who skillfully merge science and popular culture for the annual Cranium Cup. Past recipients include Hugh Laurie, lead actor in House, M.D. The Harvard Brain began in 1991 as a collection of writings from the members of the then Harvard Undergraduate Society for Neuroscience. Since then, the journal has evolved from its humble beginnings, slowly emerging from the inner circle of the Harvard Society for Mind, Brain, and Behavior, which eclipsed the narrower Neuroscience group, and establishing itself as a professional-quality college-wide publication.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2007; erscheint einmal pro Jahr; Herausgeber: The Harvard Society for Mind, Brain, and Behavior, Harvard University
The Inquisitive Mind ist ein populärwissenschaftliches Psychologie-Magazin, das Artikel zu unterschiedlichen Themenfeldern der Psychologie, u. a. der Sozialpsychologie, der Politischen Psychologie, der Sport- oder Klinischen Psychologie, veröffentlicht: „In unserem Magazin erscheinen in regelmäßigen Abständen von Wissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftlerinnen publizierte Artikel in einfach verständlicher Sprache“. Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2010, 1; erscheint drei- bis viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; in Deutsch, Niederländisch, Portugiesisch und Italienisch verfügbar; Herausgeber der deutschen Ausgabe: Dr. Jan Crusius, Prof. Dr. Malte Friese, Dr. Oliver Genschow
„The central focus of the journal is on research that advances understanding of existing and new neuropsychopharmacological agents including their mode of action and clinical application or provides insights into the biological basis of psychiatric disorders and thereby advances their pharmacological treatment. Such research may derive from the full spectrum of biological and psychological fields of inquiry encompassing classical and novel techniques in neuropsychopharmacology as well as strategies such as neuroimaging, genetics, psychoneuroendocrinology and neuropsychology.“; Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 1998, 1 (1); erscheint seit 2014 monatlich (vorher vier- bis zehnmal pro Jahr); peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor: 2010: 4.699, 2011: 4.578, 2012: 5.641, 2013: 5.264, 2014: 4.009, 2015: 4.333, 2016: 4.712, 2017: 3.981, 2018: 4.207, 2019: 4.333; Herausgeber: Oxford University Press
„“The Internet Journal of Mental Health is a peer-reviewed online journal that accepts submissions with a broadly defined definition of mental health. This includes manuscripts discussing psychiatric disorders, psychological strengths, psychological difficulties, the interaction of physical and mental health, and the psychosocial aspects of both medical and psychiatric disorders.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2001, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed; submission fee: 25 Dollar; publication fee: 225 Dollar; Hrsg.: Joshua Fogel Ph.D., Brooklyn College, City University of New York.
„The Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal (ISJHR), is an academic electronic journal (….) The journal is open to any disciplinary perspective that contributes to the scholarly understanding of humor.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2012, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Israeli Society for Humor Studies
The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (JJESP): Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2003, 43 (1); erscheint ein- bis zweimal pro Jahr; Beiträge in japanischer, Abstracts auch in englischer Sprache; Herausgeber: The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
The Japanese Journal of Personality; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2003, 12 (1); ältere Ausgaben (ab Erstausgabe 1993, 1) verfügbar unter http://mol.medicalonline.jp/en/archive/select?jo=dm3seika ; Abstracts in englischer Sprache, Volltexte in japanischer Sprache; erscheint zwei- bis dreimal jährlich; Herausgeber: Japan Society of Personality Psychology
The Journal of animal behavior; kostenfrei online verfügbar sind die Ausgaben 1911, 1 (1) bis 1917, 7 (6) (danach wurde die Zeitschrift kriegsbedingt durch die Herausgeber eingestellt; später: Journal of comparative psychology; danach: Psychobiology); erschien sechsmal im Jahr; Hrsg: u. a. M. Bentley, S. J. Holmes, E. L. Thorndike, J. B. Watson, H. Carr, R. Yerkes. Verlag: Henry Holt & Company, Cambridge, Boston, Mass. Digitalisiert durch Biodiversity Heritage Library.
„The mission of The Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim – Treatment and Prevention will be to highlight the role of behavior analysis in adult and juvenile crime prevention, assessment of offenders including risk assessment, and treatment programs from a behavioral orientation including but not limited to the use of behavioral counseling, collaborative goal setting, contingency management, functional assessment, functionally based interventions, respondent conditioning and counter conditioning procedures, functional analytic psychotherapy and acceptance and commitment therapy.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar sind die Ausgaben von 2008, 1 (1-4) und 2010, 2 (1-2); peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Joseph Cautilli and BAO Journals
„The Journal of Development Studies“: Abstracts (kostenfrei) und Volltexte (kostenpflichtig; eine komplette Ausgabe als Probe kostenfrei) online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2000, 37 (1); erscheint zehnmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (blind); Impact-Faktor 2006: 0.878; 2007: 0.686, 2009: .899, 2010: 0.793, 2011: 0.794, 2012: 0.872, 2013: 0.714, 2014: 0.983, 2015: 0.896, 2016: 1.134, 2017: 1.526, 2018: 1.531, 2019: 1.596; Herausgeber: School of Environment and Development (SED), The University of Manchester, UK
The New School of Psychology Bulletin „[…] represent[s] ongoing work and collaborations at The New School and other institutions. […] The NSPB may be particularly attractive to those authors whose work does not fit the missions of most larger psychology journals, such as empirical studies with small sample sizes, studies with null results, qualitative studies with non-empirical methodologies, and theoretical writing.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2003, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind; durch Studierende); früherer Titel: „Graduate Faculty Psychology Bulletin“; Hrsg.: The New School for Social Research, New York
„TOJCE aims to stimulate research, encourage academic exchange, and enhance the professional development of researchers who are interested in researches in psychology and education. Articles focusing on research, current issues or/and applied practice in psychology and education are addressed in this journal.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2012, 1 (1) bis 2018, 7 (1); erscheint viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Sakarya University, Turkey
„The Open Psychology Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews and letters in all areas of Psychology.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2008, 1; ein Heft pro Jahr; Publikation der Beiträge kontinuierlich; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Thomas Müller, Department of Neurology, Berlin und internationaler Herausgeberstab.
„The Qualitative Report is a peer-reviewed, online journal devoted to writing and discussion of and about qualitative, critical, action, and collaborative inquiry and research. The Qualitative Report, the oldest multidisciplinary qualitative research journal in the world, serves as a forum and sounding board for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and other reflective-minded individuals who are passionate about ideas, methods, and analyses permeating qualitative, action, collaborative, and critical study.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 1990, 1 (1); erscheint viermal jährlich; peer-reviewed: „Each author will be assigned to an editorial development team headed by one of the journal’s editors, who works closely with the author as manuscript consultants in pursuit of developing the paper for publication in The Qualitative Report. The manuscript development group focuses on helping the author develop as a writer and researcher. By making this acceptance, we dedicate ourselves to creating a context in which all participants in the editorial development process can grow as authors and mentors. As a team, they can successfully work together to improve the manuscripts until the submissions become published papers in this journal.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 1990, 1 (1); erscheint viermal jährlich; peer-reviewed (s. o.); Hrsg.: Nova Southeastern University; Florida, USA
„The Spanish Journal of Psychology is published for the psychological and social sciences community (teachers, researchers, students and practitioners). Its aim is to promote the international dissemination of relevant empirical research and theoretical and methodological proposals in the various areas of specialization within psychology. … Manuscripts should be written in English, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian. Accepted Spanish, Portuguese or Russian manuscripts will be translated and published in English.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 1998, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; Beiträge in englischer, Abstracts auch in spanischer Sprache; peer-reviewed (blind, Autoren bleiben anonym; Dauer: max. drei Monate); Impact-Faktor 2008: 0.558, 2009: 0.835, 2010: 0.704, 2011: 0.256, 2012: 0.827, 2013: 0.706, 2014: 0.586, 2015: 0.493, 2016: 0.502, 2017: 0.629, 2018: 0.749, 2019: 0.972; Hrsg.: Cambridge University Press
„Theory and Science welcomes the submission of papers from practitioners of any scientific discipline whose work comments on the nature of theory, science, and social change. While papers on abstruse and specialized theoretical topics are encouraged, the editor also requests that authors attempt to develop interdisciplinary „common ground.“ Thus, Theory and Science is intended to serve as an outlet for ground-breaking ideas, while it also serves as a forum for broadened theoretical dialogue in the sciences.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar von Erstausgabe 2000, 1 (1) bis 2008, 10 (1); danach wurde das Erscheinen eingestellt; peer-reviewed; Internationaler Herausgeberstab
„Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology delivers […] peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and scholarly comment on pioneering efforts and innovative studies across all areas of psychopharmacology. The journal has a strong clinical and pharmacological focus and is aimed at clinicians and researchers in psychopharmacology, providing a forum in print and online for publishing the highest quality articles in this area.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2011, 1 (1); erscheint sechsmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (blind); Article Processing Charge: 2.000 US-Dollar; Herausgeber: Sage Publications
„Trauma Care is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on traumatic injury and psychological trauma published quarterly online by MDPI.
- Open Access – free for readers, with article processing charges (APC; in July 2024: 1000 CHF) paid by authors or their institutions.
- Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 46.8 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.6 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2024).
- Recognition of Reviewers: APC discount vouchers, optional signed peer review, and reviewer names published annually in the journal.
„Travailler – Revue Internationale de Psychopathologie et Psychodynamique du Travail se veut une revue au service de la délibération, ouverte aux débats, mais fermement argumentée du point de vue théorique. L’éventail des articles est donc large puisque sont publiées des contributions émanant de toutes les branches des sciences humaines aussi bien que des sciences de l’ingénieur ou des sciences médico-biologiques, dans la mesure où, traitant du travail ou de l’action, elles n’assignent pas à la souffrance et au sujet qu’un statut d’accessoire décoratif, mais leur accordent une place significative, étayée à des références explicitement situées.“ Abstracts kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Heft 2001, 5 (1), Beiträge derzeit (April 2024) bis Heft 2021, 46 (2) kostenfrei; erscheint zweimal jährlich; Beiträge in französischer, Abstracts auch in englischer sowie z. T. in spanischer Sprache; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Hrsg.: le cnam, école management et société
„Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that assures rapid publication of current and original research papers and authoritative reviews produced by expert national and international bodies. The journal covers the broad spectrum of clinical psychiatry and basic science, with a focus on the interaction between experimental and clinical research. Other types of articles whose primary focus is to help translate fundamental discoveries from basic science into the reality of clinical psychiatric practice will also be considered (see types of articles accepted below). These may include papers on psychological processes and behavior, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, clinical neuroscience, psychotherapy, and other areas of relevance to one or more aspects of psychopathology and psychiatry.“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2011, 33 (3); Beiträge in Englisch und Portugiesisch verfügbar; ; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul
„Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology is an electronic scientific research journal. All articles are peer-reviewed. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology favors clarity of exposition and didactic qualities over exhaustiveness and mathematical exposition. We publish three types of articles: Regular articles, review articles, and book reviews. (…) Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology only publishes original articles presenting one technique or method for performing quantitative analyses on data that are relevant for experimental psychology.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2001, 1; erscheint einmal jährlich; peer-reviewed; internationaler Herausgeberstab