„Kairos is a refereed open-access online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 1996, 1 (1); peer-reviewed, Akzeptanzrate: etwa 10%; erscheint zweimal jährlich, mitunter zusätzlich ein Sonderheft; Hrsg.: Douglas Eyman, George Mason University, USA
„Die Kindes-Seele. Blätter für pädagogische Psychologie und Pathologie und insbesondere für die Kinder-Seelen-Forschung“ (Beilagenblatt der Zeitschrift „Frauen-Werke – Österreichische Zeitschrift zur Förderung und Vertretung der Frauenbestrebungen in Schule, Haus und Öffentlichkeit“): In loser Reihenfolge wurden Themen aus Erziehung und Unterricht behandelt. Kostenfrei online verfügbar sind die Ausgaben 1900, 1 (1) bis 1902, 3 (12); erschien monatlich; Herausgeber: Dr. Ferdinand Maria Wendt; Suchfunktion (Freitext); digitalisiert von der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek; Website auch in Englisch verfügbar
Kodo Keiryogaku (The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics): Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 1974, 1 (1); etwa zweimal pro Jahr; Volltexte in japanischer, Abstracts auch in englischer Sprache; erscheint Herausgeber: The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
„Landscapes of Violence (LoV) is […] dedicated to fostering a dialogue between scholarly discourses on violence, conflict and trauma in both past and present populations. One of the primary goals of this new journal is to create an inclusive platform designed to reach a broad audience including scientists, academics, policy makers, and the public. […] The objective of LoV is to engage in an interdisciplinary inquiry of the theoretical and empirical issues around the study of violence, conflict, trauma, warfare, and human rights.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2010, 1; z. Zt. (März 2021) liegen folgende Hefte vor: 2010, 1 (1), 2012, 2 (1), 2012, 2 (2) und 2015, 3 (1), 2015, 3 (2), 2015, 3 (3) und 2016, 4 (1); peer-reviewed (doppel-blind); Hrsg.: Ventura R. Perez, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Language and Psychoanalysis: „We welcome a wide range of original contributions that further the understanding of the interaction between linguistic analysis and theory and psychoanalytic theories and techniques. Any relevant manuscripts with an emphasis on language and psychoanalysis will be considered, including papers on methodology, theory, philosophy, child development, psychopathology, psychotherapy, embodied cognition, cognitive science, applied dynamical system theory, consciousness studies, cross-cultural research, and case studies.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2012, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Herausgeber: University of Edinburgh
„Learning & Memory welcomes high-quality original work covering all areas of neuronal plasticity, learning, memory, and their models, conducted in humans and other vertebrate and invertebrate species with the following approaches: behavior, cognition, computation, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, biochemistry, genetics, and cell and molecular biology. The journal publishes Research Papers and Brief Communications, as well as commissioned Reviews and Commentaries“; kostenfrei online verfügbar zwölf Monate nach Veröffentlichung ab Ausgabe 1994, 1 (1); sofortige kostenfreie Verfügbarkeit, falls Autoren die „Open Access Surcharge“ von 2000 US $ pro Beitrag zahlen; erscheint seit 2008 monatlich (vorher vier- bis sechsmal jährlich); peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor 2011: 4.219, 2012: 4.057, 2013: 4.375, 2014: 3.657, 2015: 2.906, 2016: 2.894, 2017: 2.671, 2018: 2.373; Herausgeber: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
„Liberabit aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific production of psychologists, especially Latin Americans, giving them greater visibility, seeking thus constituted an important source of consultation. The magazine incorporates through its articles the different approaches of psychology, both empirical and theoretical, but always original and unpublished.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 1995, 1 (Name der Zeitschrift bis 1997, 3 „VERITAS“); erscheint seit 2009 halbjährlich; Beiträge in spanischer und/oder englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed (anonym); Hrsg.: Escuela Profesional de Psicología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Turismo y Psicología de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Peru“; spanisch- und englischsprachige Version der Website verfügbar
Life Span and Disability: „… promotes interdisciplinary research about psychological, social, educational, rehabilitative and neuropsychological aspects of the human life span. The aim is to give diffusion to the scientific studies of persons who have to cope with cognitive and emotional and interpersonal problems in the different periods of the life, when specific existential events could cause disease or actual disability.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar nur die beiden aktuellen Jahrgänge – von 1998, 1 (1) bis 2008, 11 (2) nur Abstracts einsehbar; erscheint halbjährlich; peer-reviewed (blind); Hrsg.: Department of Psychology, „Oasi Maria SS“, Institute for Research on Mental Retardation and Brain Ageing, Troina, Italy; Website auch in Italienisch verfügbar
„The purpose of M@n@gement is to represent the wealth and the diversity of management research at an international level. (…) M@n@gement is a double-blind reviewed journal where articles are published in their original language“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 1998, 1; Publikationen erscheinen direkt nach ihrer Annahme; Beiträge überwiegend in französischer oder englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Hrsg.: Association Internationale de Management Stratégique
„M/C Journal was founded (as „M/C – a journal of media and culture“) in 1998 as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of media and culture. As such, it is fully blind peer-reviewed, but also open to submissions and responses from anyone on the Internet.“. Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 1998, 1 (1); erscheint sechsmal jährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Hrsg.: media/culture.org; Australien.
„Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences (MISS) is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal for the social sciences. The journal publishes high-quality, open access measurement instruments intended for scientific use across various disciplines (e.g., sociology, psychology, education, political science, economics etc.) or as adaptations in local cultural contexts. Though focusing mainly on social surveys for the general population, instruments may also be relevant for the study of individual differences and useful in specific diagnostic contexts of relevance to the general population. Devoted to the development and improvement of high-quality open access measurement instruments – free of charge for authors and readers. Herausgeberin: Beatrice Rammstedt
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; PsychOpen Gold – The European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology (ZPID – Leibniz Institute for Psychology, Germany).
„The MCJP is an international journal in clinical psychology. [ … ] dedicated to innovative and important areas of clinical research: 1. Clinical studies related to clinical psychology, 2. Psychopathology and psychotherapy; 3. Basic studies pertaining clinical psychology fields like experimental psychology, case study, psychoneuroendocrinology, group analysis studies and psychoanalysis; 4. Growing application of clinical techniques in clinical psychology, psychology of health, clinical approaches in projective methods; 5. Forensic psychology in clinical research; 6. Psychology of art and religion; 7. Advances in basic and clinical research methodology including qualitative and quantitative research and new research findings-“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2013, 1 (1); erscheint dreimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Hrsg.: University of Messina, Italy
„The Mens Sana Monographs is a Monograph Series Devoted to the Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Man and their Matrix. It attempts to give in-depth understanding of Psychiatric/ Biomedical / Psychological/Philosophical consequences of social disorders / issues and current events. It does so through Analysis and Opinion articles and Monographs, avoiding technical jargon as far as possible, but based on evidence and research studies. Every monograph is to be followed by enlightened discussion on the issues raised by interested readers / scholars. The Mens Sana Monographs provide a wide platform for serious discussion by psychiatrists, other medical scientists and clinicians, social scientists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and other thinkers interested in exploring social issues with scientific rigour.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2003, 1 (1); erscheint einmal jährlich (auch als Buch); peer-reviewed (anonym, innerhalb eines Monats); Hrsg.: Mens Sana Monographs; Medknow Publications And Media Pvt. Ltd.; Mumbai, Indien.
„A revista Mental, publicação de saúde mental e subjetividade daUNIPAC, é uma publicação dirigida para a investigação em psicologia dos processos de subjetivação relacionados com o campo da saúde mental.Constitui-se em um espaço especialmente voltado para acolher estudos deinterface da subjetividade e saúde mental. Reúnem-se assim, preferencialmente,contribuições da Psicanálise, da Psicologia Social de extração histórico-crítica, bem como da fenomenologia, sob a forma de artigos, conferências, resenhas, ensaios, entrevistas e debates.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2003, 1 (1); Beiträge in portugiesischer, Abstracts auch in englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos, Barbacena, Minas Gerais, Brasilien.
„Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal is a journal dedicated to international studies of MHC systems in the context of global social challenges, such as the following: mental health and migration, mental health in times of military conflicts, mental health in the work place […].” Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2018, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (NDSAN), USA; E-ISSN: 2612-2138
„Meta-Psychology publishes theoretical and empirical contributions that advance psychology as a science through critical discourse related to individual articles, research lines, research areas, or psychological science as a field. Important contributions include systematic reviews, meta-analyses, replicability reports, and replication studies. We encourage pre-registered studies and registered reports (i.e., peer-review on the basis of theory, methods, and planned data-analysis, before data has been collected). Manuscripts introducing novel methods are welcome, but also tutorials on established methods that are still poorly understood by psychology researchers. We further welcome papers introducing statistical packages or other software useful for psychology researchers.” Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2017, 1; erscheint einmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Linnaeus University Press, Schweden; ISSN: 2003-2714
„Methodology is the official organ of the European Association of Methodology. This association is a union of methodologists working in different areas of the social and behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics, educational and political sciences). The aim of the journal is to present a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange of methodological research and applications in the different fields. There are three main disciplines to be covered: data analysis, research methodology [and] psychometrics.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2020, 16 (1); ältere Ausgaben kostenpflichtig ab Erstausgabe 2005, 1 (1) unter https://econtent.hogrefe.com/loi/med?expanded=y2005&expanded=y2018&expanded=y2017&expanded=y2014 ; erscheint viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: European Association of Methodology und PsychOpen (ZPID, Deutschland); E-ISSN: 1614-2241
„Methods in Psychology considers articles on new, updated, adapted or innovative research methodologies and methods, analytical methods, and research practices across the breadth of psychological research. Articles can be specific to a single sub-discipline of psychology, or have relevance to the entire field. We encourage the integration and adaption of methods, methodologies and analytic approaches from one area of psychology or field of research to another, and the adaptation of methods from other disciplines which have relevance for psychological research practice.“ Article publishing charge for open access; $1420; 173 days from submission to acceptance (single anonymized review process); 4 days from acceptance to publication.“ Erscheint zweimal pro Jahr. Verlag: Elsevier.
„Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology (MJESP) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which approach the educational and social psychology related theories and studies. MJESP follows to approach the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and education, from a theoretical and research perspective, in order to create a better understanding of human behavior in all areas of education.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2017, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: LUMEN Publishing
Monitor on Psychology – A Publication of the American Psychological Association: kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2000, 31 (1); erscheint elfmal jährlich
„Music & Science is a new peer-reviewed open access online journal published by SAGE in association with SEMPRE. Our point of departure is the idea that science—or, more accurately, the sciences – can help us to make sense of music and its significance in our lives. Music exists in complex and diverse forms across historical time and within and across different societies; music is indisputably a cultural phenomenon but our musicality is grounded in our biology; we need to draw on the sciences to address music’s biological materiality, but we must also be attuned to the distinctive functional and discursive properties that are embodied in different cultures‘ musics. […] We aim to publish research across the field of music and science as broadly conceived, encompassing studies in cognition, neuroscience and psychoacoustics; development and education; philosophy and aesthetics; ethnomusicology and music sociology; archaeology and ethology; music theory, analysis and historical studies; performance science and practice-based research; computational approaches and studies in digital culture; acoustics, sound studies, and soundscape studies; music therapy; and clinical implications and approaches, including psychoneuroimmunology, health and well-being.“ APC: $854, discount request is possible. Verlag: SAGE Publishing.
„Music Therapy Today publishes articles that are related to music therapy education, practice and research.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2014; erscheint ein- bis zweimal pro Jahr; Hrsg.: World Federation of Music Therapy; ISSN: 161o-191X
„Neurobiology of Stress is a multidisciplinary journal for the publication of original research and review articles on basic, translational and clinical research into stress and related disorders. It will focus on the impact of stress on the brain from cellular to behavioral functions and stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders (such as depression, trauma and anxiety). The translation of basic research findings into real-world applications will be a key aim of the journal.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2015, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (single blind); Impact Faktor 2018: 8.28, 2019: 7.197; Herausgeber: Elsevier B. V.
„NeuroImage: Clinical, a journal of diseases affecting the nervous system, provides a vehicle for communicating important advances in the study of abnormal structure-function relationships of the human nervous system based on imaging. The focus of NeuroImage: Clinical is on the characterization of changes to the brain at a systems level of analysis secondary to disease. (…) The journal welcomes original research articles as well as papers on innovative methods, models, databases, theory or conceptual positions provided that they involve imaging approaches and demonstrate significant new opportunities for understanding clinical problems.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2012, 1 (1); peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Elsevier
„‚Neuropsychological Trends‘ publishes original contributions to scientific knowledge in neuropsychology and neuroscience, and it provides an interdisciplinary forum on new trends on neuropsychology and psychophysiology. There is a growing dissatisfaction with fragmentation in theoretical perspectives on neuropsychology and without doubt there is a felt need for a journal containing articles which aim to integrate these fragmented ideas, theories and methods. We place particular emphasis on the fact that informed discussion of neuropsychology needs to be interdisciplinary. The journal aims to introduce new ideas on the field of biological bases of behaviour and of the neurological perspectives applied to psychological processes. Specifically it intends to offer an ample space for innovative research methodologies and new theoretical views on the neuropsychological discipline. Methodological discussion will constitute a main topic of the journal. Specific attention will be given to the development of new theories and/or research methodologies applicable to group and single-case studies. The journal is interested in basic and applied research and aims at opening up new avenues for the understanding, explaining, and treatment of neuropsychological issues. Specifically, Neuropsychological Trends will consider articles from any area of neuropsychological and neuroscience research, including, but not limited to: cognitive neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, and research techniques (fMRI; ERPs, PET).“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2007, 1; erscheint zweimal jährlich; Beiträge in Englisch; peer-reviewed (anonym); Hrsg.: Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan, Italy.
Neuropsychopharmacology „focuses upon clinical and basic science contributions that advance our understanding of the brain and behaviour“; alle Ausgaben, die älter als zwölf Monate sind, sind kostenfrei online verfügbar (ab Ausgabe 1994, 11 (3)); erscheint monatlich; E-Mail Alerting Service; peer-reviewed; Impact Faktor 2005: 5.369, 2007: 6.157, 2008: 6.835, 2009: 6.993, 2010: 6.685, 2011: 7.991, 2012: 8.678, 2013: 7.833, 2014: 7.048, 2015: 6.399, 2016: 6.403, 2017: 6.544, 2018: 7.160, 2019: 6.751; Article Processing Charge: 2.900 Euro; Herausgeber: American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
„Neuroscience of Consciousness is an open access journal which publishes papers on the biological basis of consciousness, with an emphasis on empirical neuroscience studies in healthy populations and clinical settings. The journal also publishes empirically and neuroscientifically relevant psychological, methodological, theoretical, and philosophical papers“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2015, 1 (1); erscheint einmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Article Processing Charge: 1.760 USD; Herausgeber: Oxford University Press
The New School of Psychology Bulletin „[…] represent[s] ongoing work and collaborations at The New School and other institutions. […] The NSPB may be particularly attractive to those authors whose work does not fit the missions of most larger psychology journals, such as empirical studies with small sample sizes, studies with null results, qualitative studies with non-empirical methodologies, and theoretical writing.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2003, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind; durch Studierende); früherer Titel: „Graduate Faculty Psychology Bulletin“; Hrsg.: The New School for Social Research, New York
„TOJCE aims to stimulate research, encourage academic exchange, and enhance the professional development of researchers who are interested in researches in psychology and education. Articles focusing on research, current issues or/and applied practice in psychology and education are addressed in this journal.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2012, 1 (1) bis 2018, 7 (1); erscheint viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Sakarya University, Turkey
„Online Learning, formerly The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks promotes the development and dissemination of new knowledge at the intersection of pedagogy, emerging technology, policy, and practice in online and blended environments.“; Abstracts kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2007, 11 (4); absuchbar nach Autor, Schlüsselwörtern, Ausgabe, Thema; erscheint drei- bis viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Akzeptanzquote: 25 %; Herausgeber: Online Learning Consortium
„The Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology (OAJFP) is a professional, peer reviewed journal created by & for forensic psychologists. Our mission is to link the science and practice of forensic psychology by making research and applications directly available to all forensic psychologists.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2009, 1; erscheint jährlich; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Ph. D. Trevor Barese
„The Open Behavioral Science Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of behavioral science. The scope of the journal includes cognitive science, and the neuroscience, biology, psychology, pharmacology, and genetics of behavior.“; Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2007, 1 (1); erscheint einmal jährlich; peer-reviewed (elektronisch); Herausgeber: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
„The OJPR […] publishes academic articles dealing with different problems and topics in various areas of psychology (neuroscience, educational psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, comparative psychology, experimental psychology, applied psychology, methodology of psychological research, etc.).” Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2017, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Center for Open Access in Science, Serbien; E-ISSN: 2560-5372
„Open Journal of Medical Psychology (OJMP) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of Medical Psychology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Medical Psychology.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2012, 1 (1); erscheint vier- bis fünfmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Article Processing Charge: 499 US-Dollar; 2-year Google-based Journal Impact Factor 2016: 0.58, 2017: 0.62, 2018: 1.00, 2019: 0.49; Herausgeber: Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
„Open Mind provides a new venue for the highest quality, most innovative work in cognitive science, offering affordable open access publishing, concise and accessible articles, and quick turnaround times for authors. The journal covers the broad array of content areas within cognitive science using approaches from cognitive psychology, computer science and mathematical psychology, cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology, comparative psychology and behavioral anthropology, decision sciences, and theoretical and experimental linguistics.“; Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2017, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Article Processing Charge: 950 US-Dollar; Herausgeber: MIT Press
„The journal publishes original research in the broad areas of experimental and applied psychology, including cognitive, social, and developmental psychology, as well as health and clinical, educational, and occupational psychology. We encourage research that is at the intersection of psychology’s subdisciplines and offers integrative approach. We also recognise that valuable research may include replication studies and those which report negative results, thus we will also consider such submissions.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2019, 1 (1); peer-reviewed (single blind); Hrsg.: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
„The Open Psychology Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of psychology. The journal’s coverage is comprehensive and includes applied psychology; biological psychology; clinical psychology; developmental psychology; experimental psychology (and cognitive neuroscience); educational psychology; mathematical psychology; social psychology; and psychoanalysis.“ Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2008, 1 (1); erscheint einmal jährlich; peer-reviewed (elektronisch); Herausgeber: Thomas Müller (Department of Neurology, Berlin) und Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
„The journal is committed to the ideas and concepts of Q methodology as enunciated by William Stephenson (1902-1989), and, while not precluding alternative viewpoints, encourages contributions compatible with this commitment. The primary mission of Operant Subjectivity is to foster understanding of subjectivity through presentation of original research, theoretical and philosophical critique, and methodological clarification.“; Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2010, 33 (1) bis 2016; erscheint viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (doppel-blind); Herausgeber: International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity (ISSSS)
„Critical Practice Studies provides a forum for theoretically and empirically informed debates about the relationships between individual subjects, social structures, and historically developed cultural forms in and of practice. The journal is interdisciplinary with a background and focus at the intersections of social and human sciences and philosophy which are established around the idea of practice.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 1999, 1; erscheint halbjährlich; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen
„Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. We aim to improve teaching, research and policymaking in health, agriculture, the environment and other life, physical and social sciences.
Research4Life content is grouped into the following collections:
- Hinari is one of the world’s largest collections of biomedical and health literature.
- Hinari provides free or very low cost online access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, not-for-profit institutions in developing countries. Hinari was launched in January 2002, with some 1500 journals from 6 major publishers: Blackwell, Elsevier Science, the Harcourt Worldwide STM Group, Wolters Kluwer International Health and Science, Springer Verlag and John Wiley, following the principles in a Statement of Intent signed in July 2001. Since that time, the numbers of participating publishers and of journals and other full-text resources has grown continuously. Up to 200 publishers are offering information resources in Hinari.“ (Stand: 04/2024)
- AGORA is an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food and agriculture.“
- ARDI gives access to scientific and technical information.
- GOALI focuses on law and social sciences, including politics, economics, philosophy, history and more.
- OARE collects information resources on environment, including ecology, geography, energy and more.
„Think. Check. Submit. is a campaign to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research. It is a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher. The campaign is just starting out. […] The campaign has been produced with the support of a coalition from across scholarly communications in response to discussions about deceptive publishing. Supporting organizations include: Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), BioMed Central, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), INASP, ISSN International Centre […] .“
„Transparency, open sharing, and reproducibility are core values of science, but not always part of daily practice. Journals, funders, and scholarly societies can increase the transparency and reproducibility of research by adopting the TOP Guidelines. Published in Science in 2015, TOP includes eight modular standards, each with three [four] levels of increasing stringency. Journals select which of the eight transparency standards they wish to adopt for their journal, and select a level of implementation for each standard. These features provide flexibility for adoption depending on disciplinary variation, but simultaneously establish community standards.“ Standards: Citation Standards; Data Transparency; Analytic Methods (Code) Transparency; Research Materials Transparency; Design and Analysis Transparency; Study Preregistration; Analysis Plan Preregistration; Replication.