„Das e-beratungsjournal.net versteht sich als interdisziplinäres, deutschsprachiges Informations- und Diskussionsforum sowie als Veröffentlichungsplattform für Beiträge, die sich mit Theorie und Praxis von Onlineberatung und computervermittelter Kommunikation befassen. Besondere Schwerpunkte bilden dabei die Bereiche Methodenentwicklung, Wirkfaktoren, Evaluierung, ökonomische und juristische Aspekte, Praxis-berichte sowie aktuelle Tendenzen in der E-Beratung“. Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe (2005, 1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Gerhard Hintenberger, Stefan Kühne
Webarchiv mit Volltexten des E-Journal of Applied Psychology; kostenfrei verfügbar ab der Erstausgabe 2005, 1 (1) bis 2013, 9 (1); peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology; Erscheinen der Nachfolgezeitschrift „Sensoria“ https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20170524114227/http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/147390/20170524-0951/sensoria.swinburne.edu.au/index.php/sensoria/issue/archive.html wurde im Juli 2017 eingestellt.
„E-psychologie is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which publishes original articles on psychological research, theory and practice.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2007, 1 (1); erscheint viermal jährlich; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Czech-Moravian Psychological Society.
„Cognitive technologies become promising tools for the communication industry to meet the challenge of coming data traffic tsunami. Solutions for energy efficient, sustainable future Internet are heavily relied on advanced cognitive technologies, new ways of thinking on network design and development, as well as new theoretic foundations. We believe cognitive communication technologies will remain an important and active area of research for next several decades. It becomes necessary to provide a common forum to publish high quality papers, and to offer readers a single source to get inspiring ideas and important findings in this area. It is our honor to create, for the first time, dedicated transactions on cognitive technologies for communications, to fulfill this purpose.“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2014, 1 (1); erscheint viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed (single-blind); Herausgeber: European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)
„East European Journal of Psycholinguistics (EEJPL)(…) is an international open access peer-reviewed academic periodical published semiannually with both print and online versions. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for scholars to share, foster, and discuss globally various new topics and advances in different fields of modern psycholinguistics.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2014, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; Beiträge in Englisch, Russisch oder Ukrainisch; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Article Processing Charge: 100 Euro; Herausgeber: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
„Edo Journal of Counselling, the official publication of Edo Chapter of Counselling Association of Nigeria publishes original well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and psychology that use a variety of appropriate approaches to the conduct of theoretical, empirical and experimental research and inquiry.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2008, 1 (1); Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; peer-reviewed (blind); Publikationsgebühr zwischen 10$ und 20$; Hrsg.: Counselling Association of Nigeria
„EPAA welcomes submitted articles for consideration for publication. Articles should deal with education policy in any of its many aspects, and may focus at any level of the education system in any nation. Articles may be written in either English or Spanish or both languages.“ Erscheint einmal jährlich online seit der Erstausgabe 1993; kostenfrei; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Arizona State University and the College of Education University of South Florida
„Education Sciences and Psychology“: Georgische Zeitschrift mit Schwerpunkt auf Didaktik, Schulpsychologie und Pädagogischer Psychologie; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2002, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; Beiträge in englischer, georgischer und russischer Sprache; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Internet Academy
„From the start, Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPs Journal) has aimed to be an inclusive central repository for high quality research reports, reviews, theoretical and empirical articles. The Journal serves as an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and empirical studies of pedagogical, psychological, historical and sociological issues.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2010, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Università degli Studi Roma Tre
„To disseminate knowledge about all aspects of human sexuality to the widest possible international community at moderate cost.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 1998, 1; erscheint einmal jährlich; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco, California, USA
„The Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology seeks to provide an international reference point in education and psychology, and to connect the knowledge of academicians and practitioners in the field of educational and school psychology.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2003, 1 (1); erscheint seit 2005 dreimal jährlich; Beiträge in spanischer und/oder englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed (online; anonym); Hrsg.: Dr. Jesús de la Fuente (Editor in Chief); Dept. of Developmental and Educational Psychology; University of Almeria (Spain); spanisch- und englischsprachige Version der Website verfügbar
„The Electronic Journal of Science Education is the first peer reviewed electronic journal of its kind devoted to the timely sharing of science education information (…) Information and research related to science education issues, K-16, are addressed.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 1996, 1 (1); erscheint viermal jährlich; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Micheal Kamen, Southwestern University, Texas, USA.
„Emerging Adulthood (EA) is an interdisciplinary and international journal for advancements in theory, methodology, and empirical research on development and adaptation during the late teens and twenties. The journal seeks manuscripts that advance basic and applied knowledge of normative and atypical development during emerging adulthood; studies that focus on the antecedents and/or consequences of experiences during this age-period are also welcome.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgaben 2013, 1 (1); peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Sage Publications
„Emotion Science intends to be a platform for emotion science across a very broad spectrum of topics and methods, including behavioral, physiological and brain imaging studies, to promote research into the normal and pathological functioning of emotion from the perspective of psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience. The Specialty Section welcomes papers reporting basic research on emotions including animal research, developmental issues and clinical populations.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2010, 1; erscheint monatlich; peer-reviewed (Review in zwei Phasen: „independent review“ und „interactive review“; Herausgeber: Frontiers Media
Escritos de Psicología: „[…] is a broad-based journal that publishes contributions to all areas of scientific Psychology after full peer review. It is aimed at the updating and permanent learning of Psychology professionals. The content of the journal is mainly directed to experts, researchers and postgraduate students in the field of Psychology.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 1997, 1; erschien bis 2008 jährlich (keine Hefte in den Jahren 2002-2004 sowie 2006-2007), seit 2009 dreimal jährlich; Beiträge in spanischer oder englischer Sprache (ab 2011, 4 (3)); peer-reviewed (doppel-blind); Hrsg.: Universidad de Malaga, Espana; spanisch- und englischsprachige Version verfügbar
„Estudios de Psicología’s main goal is to provide a dialogue forum both between psychological sub-disciplines, and between psychology and other related disciplines. Its aim is to promote theoretical debate and relevant research work. The journal aims to promote research in the frontier of psychological knowledge: innovative researchers are especially welcome in this publication. Estudios de Psicología also fosters approaches that delve deep into psychology’s most relevant trends and developments. Thus, at least one of its three yearly issues will be devoted to monographic themes.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar sind die Ausgaben 1980, 1, bis 1993, 50 (Stand 04/2024); erscheint dreimal jährlich; Beiträge in spanischer, Abstracts auch in englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor 2010: 1.220, 2011: 0.275, 2012: 0.304, 2014: 0.468, 2015: 0.221, 2017: 0.418, 2018: 0.544, 2019: 0.527, 2020: 0.607, 2021: 0.49; Hrsg.: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje, Universidad de La Rioja, Spanien; englischsprachige Informationen unter https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=redp20 .
„Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry (EHPP) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research reports, reviews, essays, commentaries, and case reports examining all the ramifications of the idea that emotional distress is due to an underlying organic disease that is best treated with pharmacological therapy. […] EHPP is the official publication of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP).“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2007, 9 (1) sind alle Heftnummern, die älter als 24 Monate sind; aktuelle kostenpflichtige Ausgaben unter https://connect.springerpub.com/content/sgrehpp ; Vorgängerzeitschrift „Ethical Human Sciences and Services“ unter http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/ehss;jsessionid=1wdawzyfmos4q.alice kostenfrei online verfügbar; erscheint dreimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Springer Publishing Company
„Ethos is an interdisciplinary and international quarterly journal devoted to scholarly articles dealing with the interrelationships between the individual and the sociocultural milieu, between the psychological disciplines and the social disciplines.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 1973, 1 (1); erscheint vierteljährlich; peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor 2010: 1.273, 2011: 0.955, 2012: 0.90, 2013: 0.58, 2014: 0.91, 2015: 1.0, 2016: 0.88, 2017: 0.955, 2018: 1.500, 2019: 1.078; Hrsg.: Society for Psychological Anthropology
„Europe’s Journal of Psychology is a quarterly peer-reviewed publication of psychology that gives you free online access to original studies, research, critical contributions, interviews and book reviews written by and intended for both psychologists and psychology students worldwide.“ Erscheint viermal jährlich seit Februar 2005 (kostenfrei); peer-reviewed; europäisches und US-amerikanisches Herausgeberteam; formale und technische Produktion: PsychOpen – The European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology (ZPID, Germany)
„The EJCoP is a free peer-reviewed open-access journal. It publishes articles at the intersection of European and counselling psychology issues that substantially advances the understanding of professional issues, the training of counselling psychologists and the application and practice of counselling psychology across Europe.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2013, 2 (1) und die Ausgaben 2009, 1 (1) und (2); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Pavlo Kanellakis, European Association of Counselling Psychology (EACP) und PsychOpen Support Team (ZPID, Germany)
„La European Journal of Education and Psychology (EJEP) es una publicación en versión impresa y digital editada por CENFINT, con aparición cuatrimestral (marzo, julio y noviembre). El objetivo es la difusión y publicación de trabajos empíricos-investigación de cualquier ámbito relacionado con la Educación y/o la Psicología, en su vertiente más amplia, extendiendo su cobertura a profesionales de otras disciplinas afines. Todos los manuscritos serán enviados a miembros del Comité Editorial, y expertos en el tema para su evaluación, que será anónima y por pares.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit der Erstausgabe 2008, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; Beiträge in Englisch oder Spanisch; Abstracts in Spanisch und Englisch; peer-reviewed (anonym); Hrsg.: José Jesús Gázquez Linares; Univ. of Almería (Spain)
„The European Journal of Humour Research (EJHR) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal with an international multidisciplinary editorial board. Although geographically-oriented towards the ‚old continent‘, the European perspective aims at an international readership and contributors. EJHR covers the full range of work being done on all aspects of humour phenomenon. EJHR is designed to respond to the important changes that have affected the study of humour but particular predominance is given to the past events and current developments in Europe.“ Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2013, 1 (1); erscheint vierteljährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Hrsg.: Dunarea de Jos University of Galati Romania
„The European Journal of Parapsychology (EJP) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal for research – particularly theoretical and theory driven empirical work – relating to the field of parapsychology (defined as the study of communication or interaction between organisms and their environment that do not appear to rely on the established sensorimotor channels).“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2004, 19 (1) bis 2010, 25 (1); erschien zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: European Journal of Parapsychology
„The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, the official journal of the [Spanish Society of Forensic Psychology] and the [Latin-American Association of Therapeutic Jurisprudence]. It publishes unpublished empirical articles and meta-analytic reviews of topics dealing with psychology and law (e.g., legal decision making, eyewitness). Papers addressing both the inquisitorial and the adversarial legal systems will be welcome as well as papers based on concrete laws of a European or Latin-American country.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit Erstausgabe 2009, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Impact-Faktor 2017: 3.524, 2018: 3.682, 2019: 4.905; Herausgeber: Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spanien.
„European Journal of Psychology Open (EJPO) is a fully open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing innovative, original, high-quality empirical papers from all fields of psychology. As the name implies, the journal has a European orientation and aims to promote modern open science practices. It also aims to promote young talents: fresh, modern, open, progressive, innovative. The journal publishes full-length original articles, brief reports describing single studies, as well as meta-analyses. European Journal of Psychology Open is the official open access empirical journal of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). The journal invites all authors to publish their empirical work. At the same time, the editors want to encourage and mentor young talents: Associate and action editors are early career researchers who, under the expert guidance of the senior editors, will further develop their scientific journal editing skills; alongside experienced reviewers, early career reviewers will gain experience in the peer review process; and early career researchers submitting papers will be guided through the process of publishing good scientific articles and open science practices. European Journal of Psychology Open is published fully open access and online only. All content is freely available online upon publication on Hogrefe eContent, without any charges for individual or institutional readers. All articles will be published with a Creative Commons license (CC BY, CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND, or CC BY-NC-ND). The journal was published as Swiss Journal of Psychology (ISSN 1421-0185) until volume 79 (2020). Verlag: Hogrefe
„The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) aims to engage scholars, clinicians and researchers in the crucial discourse about how to prevent post-traumatic stress syndrome and other trauma disorders, and how to intervene in the wide spectrum of post-traumatic situations using the latest research in these areas. The Journal is line with ESTSS’s [European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies] mission to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge about traumatic stress within Europe and internationally, and is intended as an alternative scientific forum for exchange of results from both scientific research and evidence-based treatment.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2010; Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; alle Beiträge erhalten eine DOI-Nummer, über die sie such- und zitierbar sind; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Publikationsgebühr für Nichtmitglieder: ab 650 Euro für Autoren aus Europa, ab 880 Euro für Autoren aus anderen Ländern (je nach Manuskriptumfang); Impact-Faktor 2017: 4.209, 2018: 3.020, 2019: 3.478; Hrsg.: European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
„The European Psychomotricity Journal (EPJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal devoted to enriching the scientific knowledge of the broad psychomotricity field: adapted physical activity, exercise psychology, motor control & learning, nutrition, physical activity & health, physical education, psychomotor development, psychomotor therapy and rehabilitation.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2008, 1 (1); erscheint jährlich; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: European Psychomotor Association (SPA) Hellas; auch griechischsprachige Version verfügbar
„EVALUAR es una publicación anual … dedicada a difundir trabajos relacionados con la medición psicológica, particularmente en sus aspectos aplicados, aunque también contempla otros aportes referidos a los modelos teóricos de la medición en Psicología. Se convierte, de ese modo, en un medio apropiado para divulgar aportaciones científicas que supongan un avance en el conocimiento científico de los instrumentos de evaluación en Psicología y sus fundamentos teóricos. Su ámbito de aplicación es amplio, abarcando las áreas educacional, clínica, social y neuropsicológica, entre otras, de la ciencia psicológica.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2003, 3 (1) ; erscheint drei Mal jährlich; Beiträge in spanischer, Abstracts auch in englischer Sprache; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Laboratorio de Evaluación Psicológica y Educativa, Facultad de Psicología, Argentinien; in spanischer Sprache
„Evolution, Mind and Behaviour publishes manuscripts which focus upon the application of evolutionary theory to the human behavioural sciences. The journal publishes both empirical and theoretical manuscripts from scholars across a range of disciplines including psychology, anthropology, and human behavioural ecology.“ Erschien bis zum 4. Band unter dem Titel „Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology“, danach bis zum 12. Band unter dem Titel „Journal of Evolutionary Psychology“. Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe 2003, 1 (1); peer-reviewed; Article Processing Charge für Autoren: 100$; erscheint viermal im Jahr; Herausgeber: Akadémiai Kiadó
„Evolutionary Psychology publishes original empirical research on human psychology and behavior that is guided by an evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary psychology is an interdisciplinary field and, therefore, the Journal welcomes submission from across the social, behavioral, and life sciences.“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2003, 1; Article Processing Charge: US $ 195; Publikation der Artikel durchschnittlich 20 Tage nach Eingang der APC; peer-reviewed (doppelblind); Impact-Faktor 2017: 1.978, 2018: 1.823, 2019: 1.427; Herausgeber: Todd K. Shackelford; SAGE Publishing.
„The EAHB Bulletin is published electronically on an ongoing basis by the Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Special Interest Group (EAHG SIG), a group organized under the auspices of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA). The EAHB SIG is dedicated to promoting and supporting basic behavior analytic research with humans“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 1999, 17; erscheint einmal pro Jahr; Kurzberichte peer-reviewed
„This free online journal provides an international, peer-reviewed forum for accounts of narrative therapy and narrative practice. (…) We primarily publish in the following fields of narrative practice: Narrative therapy and supervision, community work, social work, and social action, client and community knowledges, research, conflict resolution and peace-building, education and training“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2009, 1 (1); erscheint ein- bis zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Dulwich Centre