„The Behavior Analyst contains general interest articles on theoretical, experimental, and applied topics in behavior analysis. Articles on the past, present, and future of behavior analysis, as well as its relation to other fields, are particularly appropriate for the journal. The Behavior Analyst also publishes literature reviews, discussions of previously published work, reinterpretations of published data, and articles on behaviorism as a philosophy.“ Erscheint seit 2018 unter dem Namen „Perspectives on Behavior Science“ erschienen; kostenfreie Volltexte ab Ausgabe 1978, 1 (1) – Embargo-Frist: 12 Monate); Zeitschrift erscheint zweimal jährlich; peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor 2017: 1.357, 2018: 2.463, 2019: 3.250; Hrsg.: Association for Behavior Analysis International
„The Behavior Analyst Today is committed to increasing the communication between the subdisciplines within behavior analysis, such as behavioral assessment, work with various populations, basic and applied research.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 1999, 1 (1); erscheint etwa viermal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Joseph D. Cautilli
„Founded in 1973 under the name Behaviorism, Behavior and Philosophy is a journal devoted to the philosophical, metaphysical, and methodological foundations of the study of behavior, brain, and mind.“ Unter „Current Volumes“ kostenfreie Volltexte ab 1999 – Moving Wall: 3 Jahre; Archiv unter https://www.jstor.org/journal/behaviorism (1972-1989). Erscheint ein- bis zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
„Behavior and Social Issues is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that serves as a primary scholarly outlet for articles that advance the scientific analysis of human social behavior, particularly with regard to understanding and influencing important social problems. The primary intellectual frameworks for the journal are the natural science of behavior, and the sub-discipline of cultural analytic science. The journal is particularly interested in publishing work related to issues with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications, but all significant social issues are of interest.“ Inhaltsverzeichnisse ab Ausgabe 1991, 1 (1) kostenfrei online verfügbar, Volltexte ab Ausgabe 1999, 9; erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Behaviorists for Social Responsibility
„The journal Behavior Research Methods publishes articles concerned with the methods, techniques, and instrumentation of research in experimental psychology. The journal focuses particularly on the use of computer technology in psychological research. An annual special issue is devoted to this field. Behavior Research Methods is a publication of the Psychonomic Society.“ Hybrid-Zeitschrift: APC= 2690 Euro; erscheint seit 2017 sechsmal pro Jahr (vorher vierteljährlich oder sechsmal pro Jahr); peer-reviewed; Impact-Faktor: 2011: 2,116, 2012: 1,907, 2013: 2.458, 2014: 2.928, 2015: 3.048, 2016: 3.623, 2017: 3.597, 2018: 4.063, 2019: 4.425 2021: 5.953; Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing AG.
„The Behavior Therapist has stimulated readers for over 30 years with its high-quality, thought-provoking articles on cognitive and behavioral practice, theory, and research, including humor, reviews, training program overviews, clinical dialogues, and news of the field.“ kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2002, 25 (4); erscheint achtmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
„Behavioral and Brain Functions is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that encompasses all aspects of neurobiology where the unifying theme is behavior or behavioral dysfunction. Behavioral and Brain Functions is aimed at the scientific community interested in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, investigating the psychological, computational, and neuroscientific bases of normal and abnormal behavior including the mind.“ Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; peer-reviewed; Publikationsgebühr für Nicht-Mitglieder der BioMed Central in Höhe von 1595 Dollar/1210 Euro; Impact-Faktor 2009: 2.34, 2010: 2.86, 2011: 2.13, 2012: 2.79, 2013: 2.0, 2014: 1.972, 2015: 1.720, 2016: 2.207, 2017: 2.449, 2018: 2.457, 2019: 2.125; Hrsg.: BioMed Central
„Behavioral Development applies a behavior analytic approach to the field of human development and behavior change across the lifespan, by examining both the acquisition of basic skills and the development of more complex behaviors.“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2001, 1 (1); peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: Behavioral Development Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA)
„Behavioral Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, behavioral biology and behavioral genetics published monthly online by MDPI. Open Access – free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SSCI (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, and other databases. Journal Rank: JCR – Q2 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary) / CiteScore – Q2 (Development); Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 21.2 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.9 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2023). Recognition of Reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.“ Impact Factor: 2.6 (2022); 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.2 (2022). Herausgeber: MDPI AG, Switzerland.
„Behaviormetrika publishes original research papers and notes as well as invited papers, concerning theory, methodology, and application in all areas of behaviormetrics“; Volltexte kostenlos online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe (1974, 1 (1)); erscheint halbjährlich; peer-reviewed; Herausgeber: The Behaviormetric Society of Japan; Suchfunktion (u. a. Autor, Stichwort, Titel)
Behaviour Analysis in Practice: „The mission of this peer-reviewed publication is to disseminate science-based information on best practice to those who provide services in behavior analysis. […] BAP was developed with the unique needs and interests of the practicing behavior analyst in mind.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2008, 1 (1); erscheint zweimal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: Association for Behaviour Analysis International
„Die Publikation „Berliner Forum Gewaltprävention“ wird seit 1999 in unregelmäßigen Abständen von der Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt herausgegeben. Es werden unterschiedliche Themenkomplexe behandelt sowie Tagungen, Wettbewerbe und andere Veranstaltungen der Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt dokumentiert, die in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kooperationspartnern und Förderern durchgeführt werden.“
„Journal about biofeedback – a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2001, 2; erscheint viermal pro Jahr; Herausgeber: Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, USA.
„BioPsychoSocial Medicine is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of the interrelationships between the biological, psychological, social, and behavioral factors of health and illness“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe (2007); erscheint monatlich; peer-reviewed; article-processing charge 2024: 1990 Euro; Publikation direkt nach Annahme; Impact-Faktor 2017: 1.000, 2018: 1.197, 2019: 0.904; 2020: 2.373; 2021: 2.754; Herausgeber: Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
„BMC Neurology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of neurological disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe (2001, 1); peer-reviewed; Impact Faktor: 2009: 2.78, 2010: 2.80, 2011: 2.17, 2012: 2.56, 2013: 2.49, 2014: 2.04, 2015: 1.961, 2016: 2.006, 2017: 2.170, 2018: 2.233, 2019: 2.356, 2020: 2.474; 2021: 2.903; article-processing charge 2024: 2390 Euro; Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; Herausgeber: BioMed Central
„BMC Neuroscience is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the nervous system, including molecular, cellular, developmental and animal model studies, as well as cognitive and behavioral research, and computational modeling.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe (2000, 1); peer-reviewed; article-processing charge 2024: 2390 Euro; Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; Impact-Faktor: 2009: 2.85, 2010: 3.09, 2011: 3.04, 2012: 3.0, 2013: 2.85, 2014: 2.67, 2015: 2.304, 2016: 2.312, 2017: 2.173, 2018: 2.620, 2019: 2.811; 2021: 3.264; Herausgeber: BioMed Central
„BMC Public Health is an open-access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in the epidemiology of disease and the understanding of all aspects of public health. The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioral, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2001, 1; erscheint jährlich; peer-reviewed; Article Processing Charge 2024: 2890 Euro; Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; Impact-Faktor: 2008: 2.03, 2009: 2.22, 2010: 2.36, 2011: 2.00, 2012: 2.08, 2013: 2.32, 2014: 2.26, 2015: 2.209, 2016: 2.265, 2017: 2.420, 2018: 2.567, 2019: 2.521, 2020: 3.295, 2021: 4.135; Hrsg.: BioMed Central
Zeitschrift für Prävention, Diagnostik und Umgang mit psychischen Störungen unter Einbezug angrenzender Wissenschaften wie der molekularen Genetik, Pathophysiologie und Epidemiologie; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2001, 1; peer-reviewed; article-processing charge 2010: 1315 Euro, 2024: 2790 Euro; Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; Impact-Faktor 2014: 2.21, 2015: 2.576, 2016: 2.613, 2017: 2.419, 2018: 2.666, 2019: 2.704, 2020: 3.630, 2021: 4.144; Herausgeber: BioMed Central Ltd
„BMC Psychology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers manuscripts on all aspects of psychology, human behavior and the mind, including developmental, clinical, cognitive, experimental, health and social psychology, as well as personality and individual differences.“; kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Ausgabe 2013, 1; peer-reviewed; article-processing charge 2024: 1390 Euro; Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; Impact-Faktor (SNIP) 2014: 2.21, 2017: 2.576, 2018: 1.121, 2019: 1.146, 2020: 1.214, 2021: 2.588; Herausgeber: BioMed Central Ltd
„Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation provides a platform for researchers and clinicians interested in borderline personality disorder (BPD) as a currently highly challenging psychiatric disorder. The journal focuses on the psychological, social and neurobiological aspects of emotion dysregulation as well as epidemiology, phenomenology, pathophysiology, treatment, neurobiology, genetics, and animal models of BPD.“ Volltexte kostenfrei online verfügbar ab 2014, 1 (1); Article Processing Charges für Autoren: 1745 Euro pro Beitrag (Gebühren individuell vereinbar bei Bedürftigkeit; reduzierte Gebühren für Mitgliederinstitutionen, kostenfrei für Autoren aus „low-income countries“; Beiträge erscheinen sofort nach Annahme, geordnet in Monatsausgaben; peer-reviewed; Hrsg.: BioMed Central
„Brain and Behavior is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, providing rapid publication of high-quality research across neurology, neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry. The journal will publish quality research reports that enhance understanding of the brain and behavior.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar seit 2011, 1 (1); geplante Erscheinungsweise: sechsmal pro Jahr; peer-reviewed; Gebühren in Höhe von 1296 Euro bis 2052 Euro pro Artikel durch Autoren zu tragen; Impact-Faktor 2017: 2.219, 2018: 2.072, 2019: 2.091; Hrsg.: Andrei V. Alexandrov, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
„Brains, Minds & Media is an open access eJournal for interactive and visual media in the neural and cognitive sciences. It is the main aim of the journal to provide peer-reviewed articles, software and interactive media for the neural and cognitive sciences with a particular focus on education and teaching ranging from the advanced high-school level to undergraduate and graduate programmes, research on the relation between brains, minds and media. The thematic range of the journal spans all neural, cognitive and behavioural phenomena including their software and hardware models.“ Kostenfrei online verfügbar ab Erstausgabe (2005, 1); Publikation der Beiträge direkt nach ihrer Annahme; peer-reviewed (single-blind); Zeitraum von Einreichung bis Publikation: drei Monate; alle Ausgaben verfügen über eine zitierfähige URN; Herausgeber: Martin Egelhaaf, Universität Bielefeld, und internationaler Herausgeberstab (UK, US)
„Published monthly by The Royal College of Psychiatrists, this is one of the world’s leading psychiatric journals. It covers all branches of the subject, with particular emphasis on the clinical aspects of each topic“; Inhaltsverzeichnisse ab Ausgabe 1965, 111 (478) online verfügbar; Abstracts ab 1975, 126 (3); Volltexte ab Ausgabe 2000, 176 (1); alle Beiträge frei zugänglich ein Jahr nach Publikation; erscheint monatlich; peer-reviewed; Impact Faktor: 2009: 5.077, 2010: 5.947, 2011: 6.619, 2012: 6.606, 2013: 7.343, 2014: 7.991, 2015: 7.06, 2016: 6.347, 2017: 5.867, 2018: 7.233, 2019: 7.85; Akzeptanzrate: 25 %; Zeitraum von Einreichung bis Veröffentlichung: etwa ein Jahr; Herausgeber: The Royal College of Psychiatrists